First Kool Aid and Oatmeal gift basket sent to MS repair center


It seems Adam from Sorry Mom, Sorry God (read it, it’s good) recently got the infamous Red Ring of Death on his Xbox. He decided to make art out of sending his box to Microsoft…. He is also trying to bribe them into giving him an HDMI unit.

"I cursed the heavens realizing that not only would I have to wait to play Modern Warfare 2, but Left 4 Dead would also be released next week. There was never any doubt in my mind that I would experience a Red Ring at such a time but not like this… not like this.

I was going to send it right out in anger, but during my morning commute I had another one of those ‘train ride ideas that make no sense’ that Im known for. I figured since MS was paying for shipping on this thing I may as well have fun with it and suck up at the same time. This "Kool Aid and Oatmeal" marketing package could very well be the first of many."

It’s a great idea to spice things up. At the very least maybe they’ll put his in the front of the line so he can get back to gaming. We’re with you on this Adam.



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Author: Creighton DeSimone View all posts by

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