Neversoft not working on the next Tony Hawk game?

NeversoftAccording to Jeff Gerstmann at, the next entry into the nine-year-old Tony Hawk franchise may not be developed by franchise veterans Neversoft Entertainment. Apparently, the studio is switching over to a Guitar Hero-only role, and Robomodo will be stepping in to take over the grinding and kickflipping from here on out.

Said Gerstmann in the website’s latest podcast:

"…if this rumor is true, Neversoft is not working on the new Tony Hawk game. They have gone fully Guitar Hero and apparently, if this is all true, the new Tony Hawk game is being made by a new studio out of Chicago made up from [former] EA Chicago people. Robomodo is the name of the would-be developer."

Heading over to wil reveal a message from the studio, stating that they are "currently working on a project for Activision."

The question now is whether or not this new developer is aiming to reinvent the franchise, or to keep churning out what would essentially be Neversoft’s work, re-skinned.

[via Giant Bomb]


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Author: Eddie Inzauto View all posts by
Eddie has been writing about games on the interwebz for over ten years. You can find him Editor-in-Chiefing around these parts, or talking nonsense on Twitter @eddieinzauto.

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