Team Fortress 2 classes being altered

tf2If you were to say that Team Fortress 2 is a perfect multiplayer experience, I think you’d be hard pressed to find someone to disagree with you (unless they’re one of those disgruntled Halo players we’ve all met.)

However, Valve would beg to differ. The highly acclaimed highlight of the Orange Box is going to undergo some changes in the near future both big and small. Valve has stated that major changes are forthcoming, but have denied comment on what and when exactly that means.

According to Robin Walker, a Valve software developer, the Pyro will be the first to see changes. He has said that a change will come in the point scoring tally for this class.

Apparently, once the changes take place the Pyro will receive a small amount of points for igniting an enemy on fire even if he doesn’t get the kill. He also says that this will allow players to jump into a group of enemies, light them up and run away without having to worry about your score.

The next class to see changes will be the Soldier. Walker commented only that they were looking into making players aim their rockets better at point blank range. What exactly that means and what it will change, we can only speculate.

The final class to be confirmed for changes is the Medic, although Valve has released no information at all as to how this change will affect Medic gameplay.

[Via CVG]


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