The King of Kong, a video game documentary

The King of Kong logoGrowing up with video games, I’ve always strived to be the best at every game I touch. I play no mercy multiplayer, absolutely crushing everyone I can in my path to the top. This includes friends and casual gamers that I just finish introducing games to. I like to break them down before they show any signs of life.

Nowadays we can simply log on to Xbox live and check leader boards to see who is the best. There is always a constant run for the top dog. This is when players like me realize that I am in fact, not the greatest player in the world… I’m actually only ranked 100,345.

Talk about demoralizing. Not only that but fairyboy27, a 12 year old who’s still learning his alphabet (or whatever 12 year olds do these days), is kicking my teeth in Gears of War, leaving me with nothing to say but, "well… at least I don’t live at home with my mom!" (I in fact, do live at home with my mother.)

What is this world coming to? Well back in ’82 there was no multiplayer. There was no fairyboy27. There was only Kong. That’s right, Donkey f’ing Kong, that son of a B who stood at the top of the 2D maze of I-beams and ladders and chucked barrels at your helpless pixilated butt. Back then, gaming was ruthless, "the average Donkey Kong game doesn’t last a minute."

In King of Kong: A Fist Full of Quarters, Billy, the cocky unmatched DK Champion, is challenged by Steve, an emotional science teacher deemed good enough to take the record away. These two middle aged men duke it out in what looks to be a hilarious documentary of their journey to the top of classic Donkey Kong history. Enjoy the trailer!


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