Three teens "learned" how to firebomb cars from GTA

FirebombThree teens residing in Milton, Georgia were recently arrested for setting the vehicles belonging to their fellow citizens ablaze by tossing Molotov cocktails at them.

While no specific reasons for firebombing the two Mercedes and a Honda (all of which were separated within a half-mile from one another) other than for fun, the young arsonists didn’t fail to mention that they learned how to lob from unspecified installment in Rockstar’s ever-controversial Grand Theft Auto series.

Huh, that’s funny. I don’t recall a mission in GTA4 that required Niko to visit a local Wal-Mart and purchase multiple bottles of Sprite, lighter fluid, and red rags, which investigators discovered were the items used to make the bombs after visiting the teens’ local retailer and pulling a receipt listing the aforementioned items. In addition, the investigators also had access to a surveillance tape that featured footage of the teens purchasing the items.  

While none of the suspects are of age to be behind bars for their actions, all of them have been charged with 19 felony counts.

[via WSBTV]




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