Xbox Live coming soon for the Middle East?

Xbox LiveCVG is reporting on a rumor that is making its way around the world that very soon Microsoft is planning to announce the launch of Xbox Live in the Middle East.

There is an event being planned in Dubai very soon where Microsoft plans to make a big announcement with regards to 360 in the region. Microsoft gave me the cold shoulder with a "Microsoft does not respond to rumors and speculation," when I rang them up, so for now it’s unconfirmed.

I once heard a guy on Xbox Live yelling at someone speaking French, "SPEAK ENGLISH," he said. "THIS IS AMERICA!" As humorous as his incredible ignorance would have been on its own, the man he was yelling at turned out to be French Canadian, and pointed out his glaring error to the laughter and merriment of everyone in the lobby.

I think that if Xbox Live goes to the Middle-East and cultural differences are mixed with pubescent anger and ignorance we’re definitely going to see a new dark age for Xbox Live. The anger and destruction visited over the Gaza Strip will be nothing compared to the verbal wars that will be fought over Live.



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Author: Andy Groen View all posts by

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