Bioshock PC demo is a buggy POS?

Big daddyAfter all the hubbub about delaying the PC version of the Bioshock demo and rushing to make sure the PC fans got their version before the game launches, it seems 2K Boston has released a buggy piece of… Well, you know.

Posters on the 2K Forums are reporting all types of problems, ranging from mundane and tolerable to completely inexcusable.

So far users have listed problems ranging from, but not limited to:

  • Muddy textures
  • Missing video sequences for plasmid upgrades
  • Zero floor textures (i.e. solid black floors…creepy)
  • Demo crashing during load sequences
  • Failing to launch altogether

I know that pleasing the hardcore fans is a thing that most developers take very seriously, but realistically, what was the point of this? Why release a bastardized version of your game to your fans a day before the official release?

The folks sitting on the fence wondering whether they should buy the game would still have been on the fence a week later when the bugs were fixed. Now they’ve probably lost quite a few sales because of people who think this is representative of the final product.

Have any of you guys experience any problems with the demo?


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Author: Andy Groen View all posts by

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