Developers: "we absolutely love the press"

BashfulYesterday at the Leipzig Games Conference there was a panel assembled featuring Stormfront Studios’ Don Daglow Epic Games’ Mike Capps, and Factor 5’s Julian Eggebrecht.

One of the most interesting (to me anyway) discussions held by the panel was about the influence the gaming press and the hardcore forum users have on the development of games.

The panelists were more than kind, offering numerous words of praise. Capps responded by saying that he loves the press and that they listen to games writers because, "the press knows games and they know what’s going to sell."

Moving on to the hardcore users, Capps said, "We take their complaints seriously because we need to keep those guys happy because they’re the ones who are going to sell it to another one and a half million users who aren’t so hardcore."

Rounding out the discussion Eggebrecht brought it back to the press and was the next to offer his praise saying, "The press isn’t the enemy. If anybody thinks the press is the enemy, that’s stupid. These guys are usually as passionate, if not more so, than you yourself are so work with them."

Aw shucks guys, come on you’re making me blush.


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Author: Andy Groen View all posts by

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