EA Outraged Over UbiSoft''s Non-Compete Employee Clause

Two heavyweights of the game industry are trading punches over right to hire policies. Electronic Arts, mega-video game publisher, is protesting Ubisoft™s non-compete agreement clause, for its employees. The wording of the clause stipulates that an Ubisoft employee agrees that he or she will not work for a competitor within one year upon termination, voluntarily or otherwise. So what does Ubisoft policies have anything to do with Electronic Arts? Roll the clock back to 2003 and the reason becomes evident. In 2003, Ubisoft sued Electronic Arts for hiring away four of their Splinter Cell developers to EA™s new Montreal studios. In the court ruling, the former Ubisoft employees were prevented from working at EA for a specified period of time. Reuters reported that Ubisoft said, "It’s pretty much what we expected that the Quebec Court of Appeal would say, that the ‘non-compete’ clause is reasonable… It’s standard in the industry, in Montreal and in Canada." Fast forward to the present


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