So, the rumors were true. Sony is in fact releasing a rumble-enabled version of the SIXAXIS. They denied the topic for nearly a year saying that rumble was not something they even wanted in their machine. That it was "last gen."
Well now that they’ve come full circle and embraced the feature, they have released a list (in the article) of games that they say are going to make use of the feature, but only if the player has rumble. At this time they are holding firm that no game will require a rumble enabled controller.
What interests me about this list is that many of these games have already been released, and all of them have been in development for quite some time.This means that Sony had intended all along to eventually settle their law suits and include the feature. But they refused to tell us that. I don’t get it, why couldn’t Sony have just said that they were tied up in the courts and couldn’t get the feature out at launch?
Would anybody really have cared? I just don’t understand why they needed to lie.
The list:
Vampire Rain
Biohazard 5
Devil May Cry(R) 4
Dark Sector
Burnout Paradise
FIFA franchise game
Bumpy Trot 2
Dynasty Warriors 6
Fatal Inertia
GI Jockey 4 2007
Metal Gear Online
Metal Gear Solid 4
Blast Factor
Formula One Championship Edition
Go! Sports Ski
Heavenly Sword
Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction
Resistance: Fall of Men
Super Stardust HD
Toy Home
Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune