Metal Gear Solid movie will have Kojima as producer

kojimaMetal Gear Solid 4 is releasing later in June, but talks are already ongoing for the Metal Gear Solid movie. Everyone can take a sigh of relief since no one is interested in having Uwe Boll direct the film (except Ewe, of course).

What is interesting is Metal Gear Solid games play very much like movies themselves. Their cinematography, action scenes, and dialogue, at times, rival that of some action flicks. Some fans are ever considering the release of MGS4 to be the blockbuster of the summer regardless of the movies versions of Iron Man, Speed Racer, Indiana Jones, and even The Dark Knight. I’d have to agree with them. MGS4 is going to have some major payoffs.

So the question remains, how does one make a Metal Gear Solid movie without making it feel like we, the gamers, are just watching a series of cut scenes? Luckily, Mr. Kojima is going to be acting as producer of this movie, and from what we’ve heard Hollywood is excited to have him onboard.

"Hollywood has great respect for Mr. Kojima. They want to meet with him. Kojima will be acting as a producer, but we don’t know how involved he’ll be as a producer. Often Hollywood adaptations have the original game creator involved at the beginning, but somewhere along the line they fall out of view. This is why it’s very important for us to carefully pick the studio for this project."

Here at GamerNode we are crossing our fingers. Let’s hope this movie is made and that it is worthy of the MGS name.

[Via Kotaku]


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