MGS4 showing odd frame rate behavior?

OcelotSony didn’t have much of a gaming presence at this year’s Consumer Electronics Show. In fact, the way I heard it told, if it weren’t for a small showing of Metal Gear Solid 4, you’d never know Sony was even into gaming. And even so, it was mainly used to show off a humongous Sony branded HDTV.

No new information or gameplay segments were shown off, but some keen-eyed attendees from Punch Jump noticed that while the action ran smooth at 60 FPS during the calm segments, it slowed down to half that when the bullets started flying and the explosions started…exploding.

30 FPS is a decent mark for any game to hit, and framerate performance is always one of the last kinks to be worked out in development, but should we expect better? With games like Devil May Cry 4 running solid at 60 FPS the whole game, hopefully Konami will bust out the elbow grease for that little bit extra for MGS4.

After all, it doesn’t make much sense to say, "Hey, our game runs at 60 FPS until you do something." It doesn’t benefit the player unless the actual gameplay is represented in the nigh imperceptible majesty of 60 FPS.

But that’s just my take. What do you guys think?


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Author: Andy Groen View all posts by

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