Online gaming for all via the TV

onlinegamingFederal regulators are in the process of testing prototype systems that will allow the sending of high speed internet signals via television airwaves. The FCC said that the devices developed collaboratively by Adaptrum Inc., Microsoft Corp., Motorola Inc. and Philips Electronics North America Corp. will be tested in both laboratory and real world conditions.

These days, a large percentage of gamers are blessed with high speed internet. However, there are still many who are stuck in the 56k stone-age. Some can’t get involved because of financial issues, and others because there is no cable company who provides service to their area. This wonderful new innovation would bring the glory of online gaming to everyone in the United States.

Now while this could just mean that now there are simply going to be a ton more immature kids on Xbox Live/PSN swearing up a storm and calling your mother names, the simple truth is that the more people we can get into the online services, the better. The more people there are, the healthier the online communities will be for all games.

The testing is estimated to take about three months, and a report will be issued 6 weeks after the testing is complete. Let’s just hope that if this triggers and influx of users to online gaming that Microsoft prepares adequately this time around and Xbox Live isn’t crushed.

In other news, cyber cafes around the country are weeping their fiscal eyes out.



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Author: Andy Groen View all posts by

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