Published on August 25, 2010, by Anthony LaBella - Posted in GN

Do you like Serious Sam and own an Xbox 360? If you answered yes then get ready for some good news, because Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter hits the Xbox Live marketplace on September 22nd.
This enhanced remake of the 2002 PC shooter continues where The First Encounter left off and will include three new weapons: the chainsaw, flamethrower, and sniper rifle. Co-op support for up to four players is also included. No price has been confirmed at this point, though the first game was released at the beginning of this year (on XBLA) for 1,200 MS points. A price in line with the original certainly wouldn’t be surprising.
Author: Anthony LaBella View all posts by Anthony LaBella
My first experience playing a video game blew me away. The fact that Super Metroid was that game certainly helped. So I like to think Samus put me on the path to video games. Well, I guess my parents buying the SNES had a little something to do with it. Ever since then my passion for video games has grown. When I found that I could put words together into a coherent sentence, videogame journalism was a natural interest. Now I spend a large majority of my time either playing video games or writing about them, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.