Sony launching new and slimmer PS2 in Japan

ps2maniaLast week, we ran a story saying Sony was planning to release a new and slimmer PS2 model state-side in 2008. But the new and slimmer PS2 will debut earlier in Japan on November 22nd.

The new model, which has a built-in AC adaptor, is much lighter and much more compact due to the streamlined power cord. As for the price, it’ll retail for 16,000 yen, which is around $139 USD. There was no mention of a North American release, yet.

Even though Sony is focusing their efforts on the PS3, they can’t deny the continual success of the PS2. Since its launch 7 years ago, the console has sold over 120 million units worldwide. Also, since the new PS2 will have a reduced production price, it’s expected that Sony will generate a larger profit from each new unit sold.

Sony aims to sell 12 million PS2 units and 11 million PS3 units during the next 4 months.

[Via Reuters]


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