Tagged: Fallout 3
As the longest console generation in history comes to a close, the GamerNode staff reflects on the games that made this era so great. Games of the Generation is a new GamerNode original feature that allows us to share that passion and nostalgia for the most memorable and significant titles of the last eight years — since November 22, 2005, specifically — and explain why these games have defined a generation and will forever stand as touchstones in gaming history.
Eddie, Mike, and Aled chat about the games that have gouged their wallets during Steam’s annual summer sale. Eddie Inzauto is joined by Mike Murphy and Aled Morgan on Episode 31 of the Versus Node Podcast to talk about the… Read More »
It’s time for another edition of The Sandbox, the weekly feature in which the GamerNode team members reveal what we’ve been playing over the past few days and what we’ve got on our plates for the weekend. This week we… Read More »
The first-person perspective in a video game is meant to convey the intimacy of assuming another’s consciousness, living in those virtual shoes. Take the airport terrorist situation in COD: Modern Warfare 2. The first-person perspective is a tool that –… Read More »