Tagged: Kojima Productions
As the longest console generation in history comes to a close, the GamerNode staff reflects on the games that made this era so great. Games of the Generation is a new GamerNode original feature that allows us to share that passion and nostalgia for the most memorable and significant titles of the last eight years — since November 22, 2005, specifically — and explain why these games have defined a generation and will forever stand as touchstones in gaming history.
Leading off Microsoft’s pre-E3 media event in Los Angeles on Monday morning, Konami’s Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain impressed with an intense, cinematic trailer that revealed a number of gameplay elements to be included in Kojima Productions’ next… Read More »
While the sky fell, the Grill stayed hot! Every weekend, join GamerNode Senior Editor Jason Fanelli (with videographer Matt Boyle and production assistant Mike Jaszczak behind the camera) as he runs down the top gaming news stories from the previous week…. Read More »
The trouble with HD remakes is the trouble with our memory. The most recent memory is the quickest to recall, and the strongest when forming a new perception. If you’ve ever said, “I remember [x] being better,” you have the human thought… Read More »