Use a SIXAXIS on your PC

SIXAXISThe gamers/writers over at Gamersblock that are apparently of a far more tech saavy nature than myself have cracked the secret to gaming’s long sought after treasure…

…using a SIXAXIS as a PC gamepad!

Wipe your frothing jaws my dear GN faithful! I know you all have been waiting for this one for ages, but that’s no reason to look a fright! A gamer must retain appearances after all.

I would break down the process for you, but to be honest I don’t even know what the hell any of this means. Therefore, I have decided that it is in everyone’s best interest that I let the gents at Gamers Block explain it themselves.


"Let’s begin by downloading this: http:/ – This archived file contains three files: the filter driver, a dynamic-link library (DLL) file and the SIXAXIS modification.

Extract the files from the archived file using either WinZip or WinRAR. We start off by installing the filter driver "libusb-win32-filter-bin-," also known as the LibUSB-Win32. Run the executable file "libusb-win32-filter-bin-" and install it. Do not do anything with the "libusb0.dll," just leave it there with the "ps3sixaxis_en.exe" in the folder."

The next step is to connect your SIXAXIS controller through an USB mini-B port cable and plug it to your PC’s USB (2.0) port located on either your PC tower or monitor. Your PC will recognize a new hardware being installed by notifying you a message."

Run the "ps3sixaxis_en.exe" file only once. You will see a command prompt screen setting it up. Once done, press the PS Home button on your SIXAXIS."

"Start up any game that is compatible with a PC game pad. Go to the control options in the game and change the setup of the controls using your SIXAXIS controller. You may now use the SIXAXIS controller as a PC game pad controller."

Like I said, it’s complicated. Also, to be honest I sincerely doubt that there’s anybody alive who is really willing to go through all this trouble to use Sony’s newest controller on a PC. However, it is not my duty as a reporter to make those types of judgments. What you choose to do with this information is your own decision.


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Author: Andy Groen View all posts by

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