Wii Nerf sports pack detailed

nerf sport packAre you like me? Are you someone who loves to play Wii Sports with their friends but don’t feel like you are getting the full experience of swinging a tennis racket, baseball bat or golf club? Well now you can add extra realism to your game with the Wii Nerf Sports Pack.

"Performance Designed Products’ new Wii Nerf Sports Pack takes all that to the next level with safe Wiimote accessories to go along with your favorite games. Each pack includes a satin grip handle for the remote and cushy Nerf racket, club, and bat attachments."

The Nerf Sports Pack is available at GameStop, Target, Toys ‘R’ Us, Wal-Mart, and other retailers nationwide. I’m sure Wii owners would enjoy this as a Christmas present, just a suggestion for those out there that don’t know what to get.

[via pcmag.com]


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