1 million CoD4 map pack sold

cod4Activision just made a whole lot of money. Their popular first-person shooter Call of Duty 4 recently came out with a new map pack–downloadable on the Xbox Live Marketplace. Everyone knew it was going to be a hot commodity, but just how hot was it?

Just over 1 million map packs were sold in just nine days since release. The map pack sold for ten dollars a pop for those of you who play CoD4 on the Xbox 360. That’s $10,000,000 bucks straight into the pockets of Activision.

Let’s talk about some more numbers. Xbox LIVE members played 30 million sessions and logged over 30 million hours of gameplay! That’s 1.9 billion minutes played in the first nine days just on the Xbox 360! It looks like the juggernaut that is CoD4 still has steam in the engine.

For those of you who are PS3 CoD4 players, expect the map pack to hit the Playstation Store in about a week, and us PC gamers a couple of weeks after that.


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