"Couch Potato" tax proposed by environmental group

couch potatoThe Sierra Club, an environmental pro-activist group, is proposing a tax on video games and television sets in an effort to raise proceeds for special programs. The idea is to get children more involved in the great outdoors instead of just playing video games or watching television shows. 

Mike Casaus of the Sierra Club believes that the increased incidents of childhood obesity and other health-related issues is directly related to kids not getting enough exercise and spending too much time as couch potatoes.

"What we would do with this excise tax on TVs and video games and this type of equipment is to tax part of the problem to fund the solution."

The Sierra Club estimates that a bill such as this would pull in about four million dollars that could be used to educate children in the classroom about the outdoors and the benefits of getting out and doing activities.

Lawmakers rejected the bill proposed by the Sierra Club last year but the organization continues to strive to push this legislation through. But at the heart of this issue is how children are being raised and when all is said and done, the finger of responsibility points directly to the parents.

[via kob.com]


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