Nintendo Exec: Wii to Launch for 250 Euros

The guessing game about the Wii launch price is not specific only to the U.S. Gamers across the Atlantic are as interested in the price point as we are. At the Games Conference in Leipzig, Germany, a hint was dropped regarding how much the Wii may retail for in Europe. According to Reuters, Nintendo general manager Bernd Fakesh said, "The price has not been decided yet, but I expect it to be… less than 250 euros."

The price of €250 is equivalent to approximately $317 USD. Game consoles, generally speaking cost more in European countries than they do in either Japan or the United States because of associated taxes.

While there has been heavy speculation regarding the launch price of the Wii, the official word won,t be announced by Nintendo until September. Until then, the prognosticators of price continue to ponder.


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