Next Gen. Consoles Changing Entertainment World

Video GameTraxx, a new research method employed by OTX (Online Testing eXchange) has reportedly indicated that next generation cosoles, such as the recently released Xbox 360, soon coming PS3 and Nintendo Revolution, will evolve gaming to a new height in the entertainment industry. According to the opening weeks of GameTraxx, gamers who said they planned on purchasing the next-gen Xbox 360 game console are twice as likely to upgrade to HDTV, purchase a bigscreen TV, improve sound systems, or purchase DVD players. Weekly GameTraxx surveys will also gauge gamer interest in new game titles, including games yet to be released. The survey will measure which titles gamers indicate they are most likely to purchase and which they are more likely to rent. To qualify, survey respondents must live in the U.S., play at least two hours of console (Playstation, Xbox, Nintendo), handheld (Gameboy, PSP) and/or online (MMOGs, etc.) video games in a typical week, have not participated in a video game related survey within the last 3 months or work in a competitive industry. Visit http:/ for further details.


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