20GB PS3 model still for sale?

ps345Like most things that seem to not want to go away, it appears that Sony is still offering the 20GB PS3 model for sale, according to a listing on GameStop. Hey that’s weird, because didn’t we hear that the 20GB model was going to be phased out due to "the overwhelming demand for the 60GB model,"?

Well, your ears are working, at least, because we heard the same thing, but it either looks like Sony discovered a buried cache of 20GB models somewhere or GameStop made a boo-boo.

I have a feeling that Sony has 20GB models stacked from floor to ceiling in a warehouse somewhere but decided to cut their sales of the smaller PS3 version due to the 60GB and 80GB models. 

Whether Sony is making the 20GB PS3 model available again or not, it appears that you can still fork over $449.99 for a 20GB PS3 at GameStop.

But is it worth it?


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