33 Thermal Paste products benchmarked

Thermal PasteYes you read that title correctly, thermal product benchmarking. Something tells me these guys have a little too much time on their hands.

The folks over at Benchmark Review have got together 33 different brands and types of thermal paste, grease and compound and put them to the test to see which offerings will give overclockers and enthusiasts reliable performance and which offerings don’t live up to their reputation.

Thermal paste and compound is very important when it comes to keeping your PC running smoothly, acting as an interface material between hardware components and the cooling devices attached to them.

In order to find the best of the best, the lads applied each of the products to a test rig and then hammered the components to see which pastes, greases and compounds would hold up.

After many days of building and testing, the results are in. Only two products recieved Golden Tachometer Awards — the TIM Consultants T-C Grease 0098 and the OCZ Technology Freeze. Not quite as good as their gold counterparts, but still producing great results are Innovation Cooling’s Seven Carat Diamond, Arctic Silver’s 5 and Zaward’s HSC-G — all received Silver Tachometer Awards.

For the full benchmark and results, head to Benchmark Reviews.


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