3D Realms "Screwed Up" Duke Nukem Forever's Development

While most gamers are used to waiting a year or two for a highly anticipated sequel to a game, how would you like to wait 10 years for the next game in a franchise? As strange as it sounds, some diehard fans of Duke Nukem have done exactly that. Now, a decade later, 3D Realms has finally admitted that it "screwed up" with its handling of the development of the long past due title, Duke Nukem Forever. Better late then never. (But better really, really late than never?)

Scott Miller, CEO of 3D Realms, told YouGamers, "First, we fully admit we’re screwed up the development of DNF, and it’s now an industry joke. I laugh (and cry) when I think about it, too. Our fault is that we set the bar too high, and we tried too hard to make the game to beat all games."

We can accept that, but 10 years? That’s not setting the bar too high; it’s setting the bar at the moon. Miller continued, "In the last 18 months we’ve taken a much more realistic look at the project, we’ve hired a truckload of experienced help, and I personally believe we are now on the right track finally."

Miller believes they are on the right track, but a quick look at 3D Realms’ official website seems to tell Duke Nukem fans to just wait longer. "The release date of this game is ‘When it’s done’. Anything else, and we mean anything else is someone’s speculation. There is no date. We don’t know any date. If you have a friend who claims they have ‘inside info’, or there’s some game news site, or some computer store at the mall who claims they know – they do not. They are making it up. There is no date. Period."

We’ve got our fingers crossed that Scott Miller is right, or we might never see Duke again.


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