Amazon listing says no GTA4 until June '08

GTA 4 Grand Theft Auto IVThe gaming world collectively groaned last week when it was announced that GTA4 would not be shipping this year. The blame game promptly ensued with fingers flying all over the place to find the guilty party.

Now that we’ve got all that out of the way, we can get even more pissed as it’s looking like GTA4 may be pushed back even further. When the delay was announced, most people were expecting/hoping for an early 2008 release. However, if’s listing is to be believed, Rockstar’s latest controversy centerpiece will not see release for nearly another year.

June 30.

Online retailers have a nasty habit of getting their phone lines crossed and accidentally releasing information before they’re supposed to do so. Normally this would be just an unsubstantiated rumor (which it really is) but I’m betting this bears more truth than the average internet scuttlebutt.


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Author: Andy Groen View all posts by

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