Atari's last gasp? Company hires new ad agency

atari 2600Atari may have jump started the business we call the videogame industry, but that doesn’t mean the company is invulnerable to problems. Over the past few years, Atari has been faced with several hardships and has been forced to give up some of its licenses as well as some development companies.

But Atari is not going down without a fight. Infogrames Entertainment, the parent company of Atari, has turned to Euro RSCG C&O to give the Atari name a make over. Euro RSCG C&O will be responsible for the world wide image of Atari and obviously help promote any games created by the company.

It’s no surprise Infogrames has taken this step. When is the last time someone has heard about an Atari game? In a world of Halos, Metal Gears, Final Fantasies and Maddens, it is hard for some games and companies to get noticed.

Let’s hope Euro RSCG C&O is up to the challenge and keeps Atari going strong for years to come.

[Via Marketing Week]


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