Best news I've heard all day

Rock Band I was getting really concerned about the looming Rock Band 2 release.  I have invested quite a bit of time, money, and Microsoft points to Rock Band, purchasing at minimum one song per week since the game was released.  I, like many others, did not think there would be a Rock Band 2, just a continuation of the weekly downloadable content.

Well Rock Band 2 is official, and it posed a ton of questions.  Questions like will my old instruments work with Rock Band 2? Will my sweet character and all his guitars carry over to Rock Band 2? And most importantly, will the over 100 dollars worth of tracks that I purchased be playable in Rock Band 2?

These were all questions I thought would be answered during E3 (which some of us will be attending) but it seems Kotaku has the scoop, answering all of the aforementioned questions, and even answering questions I didn’t know I had!

First off, "Rock Band 2 offers backwards compatibility with Rock Band downloadable content- all previously purchased tracks will immediately load into your Rock Band 2 play list!" Also, all the instruments from the first game will work in the second game.  Cool. I can now preorder my copy of Rock Band 2 and pay only 60 bucks and not 170.

The rest of the press release from Harmonix goes on to say that there will be 80 tracks on the disc comprised of only master recordings, and will have mini-campaigns focused on specific things like, decade, genre, instrument or album, and a full on battle of the bands will be generated by Harmonix on a regular basis.

These are all very good things. And there’s nothing more I like than waking up to good news.  Thank you Harmonix, have I mentioned how much I love you?


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Author: Creighton DeSimone View all posts by

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