BioShock getting Steamy; PC demo Friday

bioshocksteamContinuing the avalanche of BioShock-related news, Steam has the word that you can preload/preorder the game now to save the eventual trouble that’ll come in four days once the game is released for PC and Xbox 360.

Well, this is assuming you haven’t scooped up the game already after some blunders with Toys ‘R Us and other retailers who’ve released the game early.

So if you want to plop down $49.95 (or $54.95 in Europe), you can get the game on August 21st at 4 PM EST off of Steam without the trip to the store.

Also the long awaited PC demo will be released tomorrow (Friday), so that’ll be a good chance to stress test your PCs to see if they can handle the awesomeness that’ll be BioShock.

Here are the minimum and recommenced system requirements:

Operating System: Windows XP (with Service Pack 2) or Windows Vista
CPU: Intel single-core Pentium 4 processor at 2.4GHz (recommended: Intel Core 2 Duo processor)
System RAM: 1 GB (recommended: 2 GB)
Video Card: Direct X 9.0c compliant video card with 128MB RAM (NVIDIA 6600 or better/ATI X1300 or better, excluding ATI X1550) (recommended: video card with 512 MB RAM)
Sound Card: 100% direct X 9.0c compatible sound card
8GB of free hard drive space


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