Bioshock patch rumored to slow framerate

bioshock filmstripReports are streaming in from around the internet about a possible problem with Bioshock’s latest patch. Users are saying that when they turned on their Xbox 360s, a popup asked if they wanted to download the new fix. Apparently, the patch was supposed to fix framerate issues.

But users are reporting from and that not only has the issue of lag not been fixed, it has actually worsened in some cases.

Robert, a poster on loot-ninja described the problem he was having, "…when I got the update available I only did it to download (or upload)my score. I started to immediately have issues and for awhile I thought I had an issue with my 360. Loading takes forever now and the framerate is terrible. So I loaded so other games and they worked fine and then I remembered the update…thanks for the advice on how to get rid of it."

However, others have reported no problems with the patch at all. Fearbefore stated "The patch actually HELPED my framerate issues."

The stories coming in seem to be in conflict, but in the event that you want to remove the patch, the directions for doing so are found here.

No official word has come out from Take Two on these reported incidents.



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