Call of Duty 4: Lots more info

cod4Hot on the heels of the Call of Duty 4 trailer release and some minor details about the game, there is even more news from the hot commodity that is CoD 4, courtesy of GamePlanets . The plot revolves around the main foe of the game — a Russian nationalist named Zakhaev.

He wants to transform Russia back to how it was during Stalin’s rule. Zakhaev is also backed by many Russian businessman and military groups so he’s got the fire power and money behind him. In order to get his plan working, he strikes at the U.S. and uses this as a distraction.

cod4_1Enhanced details, smooth visuals, fast frame rates and more realistic animations are in store for Call of Duty 4. The game will be heading to PC, Xbox 360 and PS3 but Infinity Ward is paying special attention to the PC — dedicated serves, higher visual quality on better PC setups and a higher player count in multiplayer. Along with the terrain getting a visual upgrade, explosions will get a makeover too — you’ll see the physical shockwaves complete with walls crumbling and dust flying everywhere.

While the game’s HUD will be smaller than ever (no mini-map, for example), AI soldiers will be pointing their way to the objective so you won’t get lost. Also there will be multiple paths through levels (yes!) but the game won’t be a full-blown ‘sandbox’ game (oh well). Other game play tweaks include the inclusion of tear gas grenades and flash bangs (smoke and frag grenades return). The ballistics and impact of weapons have been accurately portrayed, so heavy machine guns can tear through walls and ceilings.

Planned locations include stealth-like missions in Russia, squad warfare in the Middle East and back to Russia to protect an informant of Zakhaev. Back-story will fill any holes in the story.

The game is expected for release by the end of the year.


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