Can't Migrate More than one 20GB Xbox 360 HD

GameLife has translated a Microsoft Japan press release regarding the launch of the 120GB hard drive accessory for the Xbox 360, and it has revealed at least one nugget of information. Apparently, data from two 20GB hard drives can’t be migrated onto one 120GB hard drive. At first glance, that doesn’t seem like much of a problem, but think back to when Microsoft’s Aaron Greenberg offered the following advice:

"At this point we’re not ready yet to roll out a bigger hard drive. I can tell you what people tell me they do to get around this. What they do is they put their Live account on a memory unit and then they have one hard drive that they put their games or related content on, and then they have another drive that they put their movies and TV on."

Check out the translated press release and the original Japanese text here.


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