Yesterday, Capcom announced that they plan to reveal a few of the characters in the upcoming Street Fighter IV this Friday. Well, either they have a whole lot to tell us, or they didn’t count on the popularity of Famitsu magazine, which has already hit the internet with news that ALL of the original 8 world warriors will be making an appearance in the newest installment of the long-running franchise.
The magazine has screenshots of Chun Li, Guile, Blanka, E. Honda, Dhalsim, Zangief, and of course Ryu and Ken, all looking super sharp. Unfortunately, only one location is on display, that being the Chinese marketplace.
Although I get the feeling it’s unlikely, here’s hoping there are still more characters to be revealed on Friday. Honestly, I’d be happy with just the cast of Street Fighter II Turbo. Beyond that, whoever gets thrown in there is fine with me. How about you guys? Who do you hope to see make it into Street Fighter IV? Who DON’T you want to see?