Cheerleaders approve of the Wii Balance Board

Voltron THQ, recently known for killing franchises, has announced a new game to replace their old ones. Will this game have a deep story focusing on the single player campaign – something the Wii needs if it wants to appeal to hardcore gamers? In short, no.

After a room full of men asked themselves, "what do girls like?" for several hours, the answer was abundantly clear. Girls like cheerleading. And girls like the Wii.

Much like Voltron, combining cheerleading and the Wii will create an unstoppable force not seen since the Sims 2 was launched.

The new cheerleading game, dubbed All-Star Cheerleading, should be available this year and will take advantage of the Wii Balance Board. So be prepared to step up and bring it on because dancing minigames are about to smack Wii owners in the face.


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Author: Creighton DeSimone View all posts by

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