Christmas Comes Early for Developers

If you,re a small software developer and you receive an unsolicited package from Nintendo, you could be in for a treat.

According to Kataku, an industry blog, Nintendo is starting to send out free development kits to smaller studios. The unconfirmed rumor states that a developer in a coastal American city received a mysterious package from Nintendo that contained a free Wii dev kit. This could be a very bold move on Nintendo,s part to entice more developers to supply content for their console, while indirectly shying them away from Sony,s dev kit-reported to cost over $30,000 USD.If you ask any proud console owner what the most important aspect of any single console is, most will say it is the choice of quality titles. Looking back on Nintendo,s track record with the N64 and the GameCube, there certainly wasn,t an astounding selection to choose from. One might say that this was the GameCube,s biggest weakness in the console wars. This new rumor, if true, could be just one more factor to boost Nintendo,s standing in the next-gen consoles.


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