CoD4 single-player only 4-6 hours

What you talking 'bout Willis?!Call of Duty 4 is nearly upon us and reviews of the game are slowly beginning to appear with some very interesting revelations pertaining to the single-player portion of the game.

OXM UK reviewed the game in their December issue, and cited a short single-player campaign as one of the main downfalls of the title, going on to say that the game only takes "…five to six hours on Normal difficulty."

Now while this may sound worrying at first, one has to remember that the Call of Duty games have always had extremely strong multiplayer to go with the single-player component, so you won’t be spending your hard earned cash on five to six hours of gameplay.

The multiplayer aspect gives the opportunity for an unlimited number of playing hours, so as long as Infinity Ward have nailed the multiplayer, there’s no need to worry.

Still though, a campaign that only lasts five to six hours will be dissapointing for people like myself who enjoy a good, long single-player experience. Hopefully the game will have a high replayablilty value so gamers won’t get bored too quickly and not play it in favour of the multiplayer.

This does of course raise an interesting question: Would you rather play a shorter game that has a higher level of polish or a longer game that entertains you for a longer period of time?

[via NeoGAF]


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