Crisis Core heads to the U.S. in March

crisis coreAlright, I know some of you may be thinking that Square-Enix overdid themselves with all of these Final Fantasy VII spinoffs. I’ll be on the wagon with you and say that some games just didn’t appeal to me, it was an uneccessary expansion of the story. Crisis Core however, is a game that would make me buy a PSP, hoping that I have enough money for one at the time of release.

That’s right ravenous Final Fantasy fans, Crisis Core was finally announced to travel stateside come March 25th. So what makes this game stand out from all of the other spinoffs? Well for starters, it is a prequel to the original story of Final Fantasy VII. We follow the story of a SOLDIER named Zach who was in the same "company" as Cloud.

We are introduced to new characters, and characters that we have seen in the original game. Another reason why this game sticks out from the rest is because it is on the Sony PSP, and boy does it take advantage of the hardware.

This game’s visuals look absolutely stunning for a PSP game, to the point of taking back any negative comments I might have previously made about the systems graphic processor. The unique battle system introduced in the game is a nice refresher to the regular RPG style gameplay, and the animations along with the in-game cutscenes are truly spectacular.






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