The Q: Would a GTA MMO slay World of Warcraft?

dqWorld of Warcraft sits high atop the crowded MMO space; a facet of gaming where even the most anticipated games fade into obscurity. Blizzard’s MMO has such a vice grip on the genre, it seems that too many studios are a useless gesture to compete. With ten million subscribers logging countless hours, it is clear that the people have made their choice.

But we aren’t stupid here at GamerNode. Someday someone, or something is going to finally dethrone WoW. It could be time, lack of interest, or (the most interesting) a new franchise. So for discussion’s sake let’s tackle the latter; a new franchise.

Today’s Q comes from the rumor that the next Grand Theft Auto installment will be an MMO. Think about it; an MMO littered with locals as detailed as Liberty City in GTA IV, but with the rolling hillsides of San Andreas to bring the world together. All the while doing quests to further yourself in the GTA storyline.

If done right, would a GTA MMO topple the mighty World of Warcraft?


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