December 3rd Virtual Console releases

WiiOnce again, the Wii Virtual Console has been updated with three classic titles. Once again, these games are nothing to scream about, leaving us all in the unthinkable situation of having to play retail releases such as Mass Effect, Unreal Tournament 3, Crysis, Rock Band, Super Mario Galaxy, Uncharted, and the like this holiday season. It is truly a sad day in videogameland.

Today’s update features shoot-em-up action, 2-D fighting, and insects’ heroics, all brought together under the theme of "the most unrelated games we could find." Seeing Zanac on this list does bring on a hint of nostalgia, though, as I fondly remember the good old "Nick Arcade" TV show, where contestants were constantly offered the option of playing that game, but almost always went with a different choice.

Read on for the game details from Nintendo:

ZANAC (NES, 1 player, rated E for Everyone – Mild Fantasy Violence, 500 Wii Points): ZANAC is a vertically scrolling shoot-’em-up game that was released in November 1986. Take control of the state-of-the-art fighter, ZANAC, with the objective of destroying the bases of the mechanized enemy forces. Use your full array of regular weapons as well as eight special weapons to clear the 12 intense areas of the game. Be careful, though, as the game changes the degree of difficulty in real time based on how well you play. This ensures that it feels like you’re experiencing a new game every time you play.

Eternal Champions (Sega Genesis, 1-2 players, rated T for Teen – Animated Blood, Animated Violence, 800 Wii Points): This 2-D fighting game introduces a cast of different characters that met untimely deaths in their lives on Earth. Now they have been given a chance to compete against each other, with the winner taking on the Eternal Champion, the ultimate fighter in the universe. The reward for defeating the Eternal Champion is a return to Earth for the opportunity to avenge death and restore balance to the universe. Choose from nine unique characters with a variety of fighting styles, and bring your best moves to defeat all comers in your quest to topple the Eternal Champion.

The Dynastic Hero (TurboGrafx16 CD-ROM, 1 player, rated E for Everyone – Comic Mischief, 800 Wii Points): The Dynastic Hero is an action RPG featuring a cast of insect characters. The story begins with the invasion of their peaceful homeland of Tarron by the evil Drilkor Empire. Rushing to the insects’ aid is Dyna, the prince of Beetras. Take control of Dyna as he battles through action-filled stages. Equip weapons and items to vanquish the relentless foes, and acquire special items that enable you to brave the journey across the perilous desert or open sea. But it’s not just all action. Correctly answer multiple-choice quizzes, and play the ocarina to find the right melody to open doors. Plus, there are countless traps and other puzzles packed into this fun game to keep you entertained and ensure you continue coming back for more.


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Author: Eddie Inzauto View all posts by
Eddie has been writing about games on the interwebz for over ten years. You can find him Editor-in-Chiefing around these parts, or talking nonsense on Twitter @eddieinzauto.

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