Dev says there will be PS3/X360 graphics on Wii

High Voltage Software is developing a new graphics engine designed for the Wii called the Quantum3 engine and claims their engine is capable of producing graphics that are of PS3 and Xbox 360 caliber.

"Quantum3 is the result of 15 years development experience and enables developers to make use of advanced graphical features, including better dynamic bump mapping, light effects, glossing and other visual improvements. Additionally, Quantum3 uses a 16 TEV stage material pipeline that can blend up to 8 separate texture sources.

"The engine also uses advanced processing techniques to make gameplay smoother, examples including seamless resource streaming, projected shadows, morphing and much more."says High Voltage.

High Voltage’s first title which will utilize the Quantum3 engine is called The Conduit. The game is a first-person shooter set in the future and the development studio is hard at work on delivering graphics on-par with the PS3/X360 and have the game running at sixty frames a second.

Early alpha screenshots of the game were unveiled recently, and quite frankly, the game looked quite awful. Honestly, I think what High Voltage Software is trying to do is impossible. Games like Mario Galaxy and Smash Bros. Brawl are fantastic looking, but they don’t approach the graphics that the PS3 and 360 have to offer.

If you want to see the engine in action, you can check it out below.

[via VideoGamer]


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