Dexter videogame incoming

dexterNow I’m not one to judge something before it actually has a chance to prove itself. Like everyone, one has to give a subject the benefit of the doubt and hope for the best.

Having said that the news that Marc Ecko and Showtime are teaming up to bring the Showtime original series into the realm of videogames is disappointing, and confusing. It is a fact the majority of videogames based on a movie, television series, or book never turn out good. Some are passable, others typically below average, and very few reach the status of must-have.

On paper Dexter sounds like it could have some potential. The plot of a detective by day and murderous avenger by night does have some appeal. But I can’t help but think that there are other games out there which already fit into the detective/killer genre. A little series called Condemned.

But like I said earlier, no one should judge this venture as a total failure yet. We have to give Dexter some benefit of the doubt. Let’s hope Dexter breaks the mold of terrible TV based games…but I’m not holding my breath.

[Via Gamasutra]


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