Does the PSP prefer wi-fi or performance?

PSP can't walk and chewIn a development that doesn’t seem to make much sense, it appears that the 333Mhz CPU speed that was recently unlocked with firmware 3.50 will not be available for use during wi-fi play. If the WLAN switch is turned on, the handheld will have a speed limit of 222Mhz.

Sony’s Dave Karraker had this to say regarding the issue:

"The recent firmware upgrade (3.50) that removed the restriction on the PSP’s CPU speed enables developers to utilize speeds either lower or higher than the default 222MHz, up to the full 333MHz clock speed. The article is correct that increased CPU speed cannot be used with the PSP’s wireless feature. SCEA is working closely with the development community to take full advantage of this new functionality where appropriate for their titles."

That…sorta blows. It means that games utilizing wi-fi will either run completely in 222Mhz mode, or that crafting a single-player experience that runs at full speed will require further development effort.

Is this all for the sake of battery life? Is it worth it?


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Author: Eddie Inzauto View all posts by
Eddie has been writing about games on the interwebz for over ten years. You can find him Editor-in-Chiefing around these parts, or talking nonsense on Twitter @eddieinzauto.

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