Dog plays "new" Wii Sports- the Poop-Canon

wii dogIn a little town called Loveland a family discovered a horrific sight, their beloved dog vomiting blood all over the living room. A frantic drive to the vet, and a few X-Rays later, they discovered the culprit: a Wii-mote.

That’s right, the dog swallowed the Wii-mote whole. This dog must have been a monstrosity, with the ability to throw back a Wii-mote in one foul swoop. Marie Becknell, the dog’s owner described the operation: "The Vet started massaging the dog’s belly and it came flying out of the dog."

The remote came… flying, out of the dog. FLYING. I’ve heard of projectile vomiting, but projectile pooping? I say we make a Wii sport out of it, market it to dogs. And I shall call it: The Dog Canon. Its gold and you know it Nintendo!



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