Downsampled Modern Warfare 2 screenshots borders on realistic

Modern Warfare 2

It seems that the visual feast of Modern Warfare 2 wasn’t enough for some gamers who wished to push it even further. Forum user "OC_Burner" over at 3DCenter managed to produce a slew of screenshots that utilizes a boosted resolution and downsampling techniques that winded up making the game appear frighteningly ultra-realistic.

To wit; downsampling is a process in which an LCD monitor is forced to render the game at an "internal" resolution much higher than it supports, but instead of crying pixellated tears of agony (as cool as that sounds), the monitor displays the image at an "external" resolution it can support–usually the monitor’s native resolution.

The result is a gaming experience like no other, with jacked up visual effects and practically non-existant graphical artifacts or "jaggies", the ugly polygonal edges that jut out from flat surfaces and textures.

In the case of the aforementioned screenshots, Modern Warfare 2 takes on a photo-realistic sheen, drawn in a lovely 3360×1200 (!) resolution coupled with a healthy helping of anti-aliasing and anisotropic filtering.

Want more screenshots? Check out the gallery here.

[ (Google Translated)]


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