E3: Prey Preview

There was a multiplayer demo running live at E3,s show floor for the much anticipated and long-in-development game, Prey.

Prey is the FPS (by Human Head Studios) that turns FPS shooters on their head with tripped-out physics, weird weapons and some big hunk of twisted plot and game play. We got a chance to check out the multiplayer version of the game. It,s fun, it,s fast and it,s fun, did I mention that? You have probably seen the existing demo,s, in which you can use certain wall textures to ‘flip, gravity and walk right onto the ceiling. This coupled with the portal technology, some truly cool weapons and the ability to snipe from directly above someone adds a much needed push into the FPS multiplayer genre. We weren,t able to get our mitts onto a single player version, but the multiplayer version was out in force.

With fast-paced action and amazing weapons, what,s not to love?

Well, the multiplayer seemed to have a few slight balance issues. These issues include unfortunate respawn points for both those that have just been killed or those that killed an opponent, because after killing someone, the person either spawns directly in front of you or directly behind you, giving them a large advantage. Some weapons don,t feel as powerful as they should, but other than that there wasn,t too much to complain about with this multiplayer demo.

Everything is looking up for Prey and the gameplay is coming along quite nicely. With certain advancements in the game being made before the release, Prey is very high on the list of most anticipated games. Look for it on store shelves this July.


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