EA CEO: "Games are boring people to death…"

In an interview with the business oriented periodical, Wall Street Journal, Electronic Arts CEO John Ricitiello made a fairly hypocritical comment in regards to how the video game industry currently functions.

"We’re boring people to death and making games that are harder and harder to play," said Ricitiello. "For the most part, the industry has been rinse-and-repeat. There’s been lots of product that looked like last year’s product, that looked a lot like the year before."

Wow, will you look at that? The Chief Executive Officer of the company that takes the most flak for their widely frowned upon habit of green lighting the development of sequels on an annual basis with very little significant alterations or improvements — instead of concentrating on the development of more fresh, enjoyable experiences for consumers, is claiming that everyone else is apart of the problem.

While it’s true that a few other publishers are beginning to practice the same method in an effort to place themselves in a steadier financial position, Electronic Arts has been doing it excessively prior to the latest generation where development costs weren’t nearly as high.

If Mr. Ricitiello’s comments are indicative of his company’s plan to turn over a new leaf, here’s to hoping that we’ll see some exciting, innovative titles in EA’s line-up of games for this week’s E3. If it happens, that would rightly justify his panning of competing developers and publishers in the industry.

[Via DailyTech]


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