EA is not worried about Activision Blizzard

ealogoEven though Electronic Arts has cast its mighty shadow over the gaming industry for the past several years, a new-comer may have finally come to usurp the gaming giant: Activision Blizzard.

But is EA worried? No! According to an EA spokesperson’s comments made with Next-Generation, the Activision/Vivendi merger didn’t change EA’s strategy; they’re primed and ready to go.

"…We’re always at our best when we have a clearly defined competitor… it [The Activision/Vivendi merge] doesn’t change our strategy. Our CEO John Riccitiello has been encouraging senior managers to think of all other publishers as one large competitor – he’s been encouraging them to think like challengers."

To end their statement, the EA rep said, "…We wish them good luck and look forward to the competition. We believe that EA still has the industry’s strongest portfolio of game franchises." Wow, EA is pretty smug when faced with competition.


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