EA wants to see a "universal" game console developed

Big 3 ConsolesIn some rather disturbing or innovative news, depending on who you ask, Gerhard Florin of EA’s International Publishing suggested the concept of a universal game console for the future.

He said that having game consoles which were not compatible with each other produced problems for developers and gamers, according to Reuters.

"We want an open, standard platform which is much easier than having five which are not compatible. I am not sure how long we will have dedicated consoles – but we could be talking up to 15 years."

So what will be in store if Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo disappear from making their own game consoles? Florin sees a future where gamers will play games from servers which would connect to a generic game box.

"You don’t need an Xbox 360, PS3 or Wii – the consumer won’t even realize the platform it is being played on."

So instead of the consumer buying three different game consoles, the server idea would establish different "channels" that you could "tune" into for your games.

"There could be a Nintendo channel, a PlayStation channel and an Xbox channel on your set-top box."

The idea is interesting, but whether the future is pointing to a console-less gaming venue is debatable. But one thing for sure, it will save lots of money for game companies because it would eliminate the need to developer for so many different game platforms.

To do this would require a major cooperative effort from the Big 3 hardware companies, and companies being competitive by nature, the prospect of this occurring seems just about impossible.


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