Former DICE CEO talks Battlefield 3

Battlefield 2

Fredrik Liliegren, the former CEO of DICE and Studio Manager of DICE Canada, has attested that the forthcoming Battlefield 3 will "absolutely blow everyone away", but offers little details to elaborate upon.

With the latest title in the series, Battlefield: Bad Company 2, undergoing its multiplayer beta, the team at DICE is wasting no time and forging ahead with Battlefield 3, which was confirmed by EA in the middle of last year.

In an interview with website GamingUnion, Liliegren gave his opinions on the state of the Battlefield series and teased upon the capability of what Battlefield 3 can provide.

"I mean Battlefield Heroes is something that we talked about back when even Jeff [Evans] was working at DICE, in regards of taking Battlefield into a micro-transaction type model. We actually worked on that initial prototype for that here in Canada, just to see how we would split it up from a design standpoint.

"I think for the console side, the first outing on [Xbox] 360 and PS2 and Xbox was really weak because we didn’t have a single player experience. I think that Bad Company 2 is going to be really good because I think these guys are really smart and they learned the lesson. What the PC version is going to be, Battlefield 3, I think it’s going to absolutely blow everyone away, but I can’t tell you what it is, but it will blow people away."

Since the PC community remains slightly disillusioned by the impartial successors to the Battlefield name (Battlefield 2142 was the last true Battlefield title released for the PC), Battlefield 3 will hopefully be able to serve as a return to the core principles that comprise the wildly popular series.



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